Thursday, January 9, 2014

Jerusalem's 6th Soccer Camp~ July 22-24, 2013

Jerusalem Ministry’s 6th annual soccer camp.  As always this was such a delight to see all the boys completely in their element, playing soccer and enjoying many silly moments full of joy and laughter!!  This year posed some added challenges with the weather being rainy for some of the camp, but even despite the rain, we witnessed countless amazing testimonies through the children’s prayers and incredible faith in God.  One boy even commented that he viewed the rain as a blessing to keep them all cool and refreshed in the heat, even despite it becoming quite chaotic at one point trying to keep all boys sheltered from the rain.  All in all, we witnessed God doing a powerful work in the children’s hearts and incredible transformation in them being showered with so much love and attention throughout the camp.

Here’s the soccer camp video and some pictures capturing a portion of the immense love & joy~~~ =D

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The power of committed LOVE~~❤

I've been reminded lately of so much of God's goodness over these past years...  March marked the beginning of a new school year here in Korea, so the children I teach at Sungno, have moved up to a higher grade.  I've just begun classes with a few of the younger children, who are now beginning 2nd grade.  And it occurred to me that it was first back in 2007, on my trip to Korea when I visited Sungno Orphanage for the first time, was when I first met these children who were 2 or 3 years old at that time.   Who would have ever thought that almost 6 years later I would be having them in my class.   Amazing! Truly A~M~A~Z~I~N~G !!!!  God is too GOOD!!!   I included a picture to see the change in the past 6 years, unbelievable!!  The picture in the bottom right corner was taken in 2007, the surrounding pictures are the children today~~ their names are Sol Bin (boy, bottom left), Sae Rom (girl, top left), Dong-Hoon (boy, middle), Si-Woo (boy, top right)~~ It's really sweet to see their reactions when I show them pictures of way back then, as if to say, "wow, you were really here back then too? you've really been here a long time!!"  
the power of committed love~~~♡  

the bottom (right) photo was taken in 2007... the pictures around it are the children today ♡

Tuesday, January 1, 2013