Tuesday, July 14, 2009

There is no place like home!

"Truly no place like home"...

Ahhh...to be home. There is no place like it in the world that can offer the same level of rest and satisfaction and nourishment that home can. After being home in New York the past few weeks I know there is not greater joy in having a place to truly call home! I feel so lucky to have a family that has poured out so much love into me, providing me a home to call my own. The past 2 years being separated from my family has surprisingly brought me much closer to them. I've come to appreciate them all the more for what they provided Jamie and I.... they provided us a priceless treasure, far beyond anything we could have hoped for. I am privileged to have 2 families, 2 places to call "home." One family who brought me into the world, one who raised me and provided love beyond measure! It was through my family that I received love...giving me a glimpse into Father God's love. This is my prayer for the countless orphans living without families...that they would embrace and come to know their Heavenly Father who loves them beyond measure!!!♥

What a gift to have a family...don't know where I'd be without 'em!!!