Thank you for being my mom.
Good job. xoxoxo.
Happy Mothers Day.
Lots of love, Xavier
(This was Xavier's card to me last Mother's day~~~ What a sweet boy!)
Being Xavier's mom ... what a rare and precious gift! Truly, this child has brought much joy into my life and so much more!
Xae's card to me on Mother's Day was a sweet reminder of how valuable a mother is in a child's life. As a mom, I am all the more sensitive to the needs of children living without mothers, here at Sung No Orphanage. Truly, God has given me the greatest gift of all to first be Xavier's mother, and because of that I can tune into the children's deeper emotional needs. And as the Lord's Spirit leads, I am able to love these children and show them in tangible ways, thru a hug, a silly smile, thru kind praise and encouragement.
I pray for God's love to flow even more thru me every moment I am with Xavier and with the children... to pour out more of His love so they really feel and know God's Love in a tangible way. Even though I cannot communicate fully in Korean with them, I remind myself that I carry the greatest usher in God's love and presence into their lives. Even though I cannot always express what I want to say in words, I can love them and love needs no language. There is something much deeper being communicated far beyond words, a language of the Spirit that can only be felt by the heart. And when I am submitted to this place my time with the children is so sweet, as God's presence is felt and love for them overflows. I feel God's heart for them and how much He loves His children.