Releasing Beauty and Hope thru ART
O’ what a wonderful beautiful journey home in NY has been ~ so much more than I expected! God has been taking me on a deep healing journey with Him, beginning during my time in Korea, and continuing on now. My eyes are being opened to deep compassion for broken souls, reclaiming in full faith that God is redeeming destinies, releasing deep inner healing and restoring hearts.
“Fear not, for I am with you; I will bring your seed from the east...”~Isaiah 43:5
Growing up, my mother recounted this scripture that Holt (the adoption agency I was adopted through) referred to. The scripture never meant much to me until now... embracing me as God's healing seed. A seed planted in my family. Planted in my friend’s lives. A healing seed planted in the lives of the orphan children, young women, and adoptees. And in the lives of the many people whom I have yet to meet. I am here for a particular time such as this, to plant God’s healing seeds of love, hope, joy, forgiveness, freedom, and beauty... to scatter His healing seeds that will restore broken souls, redeem lost dreams and destinies, create beauty from ashes, set captives free. And, to nurture these seeds until they bloom with the fullness of goodness and beauty and love ♥~~~OUR JEHOVAH RHOI~~~