I'm reflecting on the past year-in-half being in Korea.... at where I find myself... Here back in the place I was born, working with the children at the same orphanage where I once lived, walking the streets of the country I was born into, seeing, smelling tasting everything Korean!!!... I'm soaking in each and every moment and truly don't want to take one moment for granted!
And then to top it all off, Jamie (lil' brother) was visiting this past week...what an incredible, unforgettable time spent together!! To find ourselves here in Korea, 29 years later back in the place where it all began! Many treasured moments were spent retracing pieces of our shared past and enjoying many things Korean! Xavier was also loving having his uncle here ....he was all smiles the whole time! ^^)
There's something quite powerful about seeing your past and realizing what your life could have been. This really hit home for Jamie and I, as we couldn't help but think about how we were afforded such a loving family and good life in USA. Jamie's visit and the more time I spend with the children, the clearer the vision becomes..I see much more clearly now all the events in my life that have led me to this point in time! My life was spared for a greater purpose!!! God has revealed to me that He WILL NEVER leave orphans! This is a promise that rings true for me and throughout history! Orphans such as Moses and Esther's lives were preserved for a very definitive purpose to accomplish tasks of great magnitude! In the same manner, the children left orphaned today have equal and even greater tasks to accomplish as they grow to realize their Divine calling and destiny.
I hold firmly to this promise as I move forward in God's vision planted in my heart...to share His amazing love and hope with orphans....the same love and hope I have so freely experienced !! Clearly stated...To love, love, love these children...not with my limited love, but with God's Love... A love that is everlasting, a love that will never abandon them regardless of the people in their lives that have. And, to use the arts as an entry point to build trust and relationship so this LOVE can flow through me! ♥ As God's love is planted in their hearts, orphaned children grow and flourish to discover their true identity and purpose in the ONE who designed them!!
Orphans all over the world are crying out, "Come over and help us!" These ones needed more than just money and food. They needed a touch from someone who had God inside of them. Many are dying and starving, not just from a lack of food, but a lack of love. Their spirit are crying out, "Touch me! Hold me! Love me!"
Psalm 68:5,6 says, "God is a father to the fatherless...a defender of widows. He sets the solitary in families."