It is Sunday morning. I am sitting in church listening to my 32 year old daughter Karin Lim. She is wise beyond her years as she brings tears of joy to my eyes.
She invited everyone to consider a dream for their life. I thought of my dream being fulfilled before my eyes. Old men shall see visions and young women dream dreams. The dream of her coming to know and walking with the God who loved her so, was fulfilled as she talked of feeling called of God to return the love she received to the homeland that gave her life. She is talking about how her life dream was to return to the orphanage in which she and her brother spent several months prior to their mother and I adopting them from Seoul, Korea. Life given from one hemisphere, love nurtured in another hemisphere, both come together in her. A proud father humbly thanks God, the adopted Father of us all, for this sacred moment in time.
She speaks of three categories of people to whom she feels called: the strangers (Koreans come bake to Korea with the cultures of their birth apparent on their faces but different cultures in their heart), the outcasts (the mother’s who are unable to care for their children), and the orphans (the children abandoned to an orphanage only to learn of the God who loves and nurtures them through others). Then there is the song, which we heard called “Orphans of God” that has the very same line in it that summarizes my daughter’s heart. Her heart delivered on a platter. Her head surrendered to her heart. Her food is to do the will of the God who loves her. She nurtures three souls at once: hers, mine, and the people, to whom God leads her.
She challenges everyone to find their dream, then find the courage to pursue that dream.
I recall my dream and her adoptive mother’s dream: to pour our love and the love of Christ into these two lives born to another in another country. Nurtured by us in this country to be and fulfill God’s calling on their lives. Orphaned by a mother but not orphaned by God for God loves all, and pours love into all the children of earth. Regardless of the rejection experienced by people, love warms the heart from within where God dwells. All children are welcome into the lap of God’s love. All who love God create a lap into which the unloved of earth can come and be accepted, approved, and adopted.
Karin has a lap of love created in her to gift to the world from which she came. She uses the gift of faith, hope and love blended with her gift of appreciation and art to help these children to discover their dream of love and acceptance is fulfilled in the love that they give and receive and give again.
A proud father in heaven, is joined by, a proud father on earth.
It is Sunday morning. I am sitting in church listening to my 32 year old daughter Karin Lim. She is wise beyond her years as she brings tears of joy to my eyes.
ReplyDeleteShe invited everyone to consider a dream for their life. I thought of my dream being fulfilled before my eyes. Old men shall see visions and young women dream dreams. The dream of her coming to know and walking with the God who loved her so, was fulfilled as she talked of feeling called of God to return the love she received to the homeland that gave her life. She is talking about how her life dream was to return to the orphanage in which she and her brother spent several months prior to their mother and I adopting them from Seoul, Korea. Life given from one hemisphere, love nurtured in another hemisphere, both come together in her. A proud father humbly thanks God, the adopted Father of us all, for this sacred moment in time.
She speaks of three categories of people to whom she feels called: the strangers (Koreans come bake to Korea with the cultures of their birth apparent on their faces but different cultures in their heart), the outcasts (the mother’s who are unable to care for their children), and the orphans (the children abandoned to an orphanage only to learn of the God who loves and nurtures them through others). Then there is the song, which we heard called “Orphans of God” that has the very same line in it that summarizes my daughter’s heart. Her heart delivered on a platter. Her head surrendered to her heart. Her food is to do the will of the God who loves her. She nurtures three souls at once: hers, mine, and the people, to whom God leads her.
She challenges everyone to find their dream, then find the courage to pursue that dream.
I recall my dream and her adoptive mother’s dream: to pour our love and the love of Christ into these two lives born to another in another country. Nurtured by us in this country to be and fulfill God’s calling on their lives. Orphaned by a mother but not orphaned by God for God loves all, and pours love into all the children of earth. Regardless of the rejection experienced by people, love warms the heart from within where God dwells. All children are welcome into the lap of God’s love. All who love God create a lap into which the unloved of earth can come and be accepted, approved, and adopted.
Karin has a lap of love created in her to gift to the world from which she came. She uses the gift of faith, hope and love blended with her gift of appreciation and art to help these children to discover their dream of love and acceptance is fulfilled in the love that they give and receive and give again.
A proud father in heaven, is joined by, a proud father on earth.
To God be the glory!